
The SendToEnv Connector streamlines the transfer and management of files across multiple environments in a network. It ensures efficient, automated file movement, integral to workflow optimization.


 Capture d'écran 2024-01-22 150620.png


1-  Configuration of SendToEnv

you can configure SendToEnv and put the correct data:

For Example:

Capture d'écran 2024-01-22 150726.png

File(s):  Specifies the file or files to monitor for transfer.

Environments:  Lists the target environments where the files will be sent. Multiple environments can be separated by ";"

                                             Example:   iXPath;Centrale_Danone.

Mask:  Defines the pattern to filter the files that this connector should handle. The .* mask indicates that all files are included.

Log Level:  Determines the verbosity of the logs for this connector. The level DEBUG implies detailed logging which is useful for troubleshooting.

Condition:  Allows specifying a condition that must be met for the connector to process the files. 

Add boundary OnError:  When checked, this option may add additional error handling, such as transaction boundaries, to manage failures gracefully.

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