
We will go through all endpoints needed to manage the User entity.


URL [method]DescriptionInput exampleOutput example
/rest/users [GET]Get a list of all users of the current environment and its children,(no input required){
   "timestamp": 1637577153521,
   "status": "200",
   "data": [
           "userid": 1,
           "person": {
               "trkid": 1,
               "firstname": "admin",
               "lastname": "admin",
               "mailaddress": "",
               "phone": "0000000000",
               "role": null,
               "service": null
           "group": {
               "id": 1,
               "alias": "Root",
               "parent": 1,
               "permission": "562949953421311"
           "alias": "admin",
           "envId": 1,
           "password": "9f3824ae911a68ecdb3197534d26bcbf",
           "passworddelay": 9999,
           "language": "Fr",
           "lastconnected": 1637139174000,
           "lastpassword": 1542106801000,
           "active": true,
           "revokedelay": 99999,
           "defaultpage": 1,
           "firstaccess": false,
           "logged": "1637142774420",
           "timezone": "GMT+0",
           "envs": [
                   "envid": 1,
                   "parent": 1,
                   "alias": "iXPath",
                   "code": "",
                   "sendurl": false,
                   "active": true,
                   "timezone": "Europe/Paris",
                   "gitRepository": ""
           "envsbloque": []
           "userid": 41,
           "person": {
               "trkid": 2,
               "firstname": "outhman",
               "lastname": "man",
               "mailaddress": "",
               "phone": "09374788998",
               "role": null,
               "service": null
           "group": {
               "id": 2,
               "alias": "User",
               "parent": {
                   "id": 3,
                   "alias": "Admin",
                   "parent": 1,
                   "permission": "562949953421311"
               "permission": "234333415669759"
           "alias": "user1",
           "envId": 25,
           "password": "3203019f997ea9edbfc25744e7f26bff",
           "passworddelay": 6738,
           "language": "Fr",
           "lastconnected": null,
           "lastpassword": null,
           "active": true,
           "revokedelay": 0,
           "defaultpage": 1,
           "firstaccess": false,
           "logged": null,
           "timezone": null,
           "envs": [
                   "envid": 19,
                   "parent": 1,
                   "alias": "greatEnv",
                   "code": "122",
                   "sendurl": false,
                   "active": true,
                   "timezone": "GMT",
                   "gitRepository": ""
           "envsbloque": [
                   "envid": 30,
                   "parent": 29,
                   "alias": "PARRR2",
                   "code": "",
                   "sendurl": false,
                   "active": true,
                   "timezone": "GMT",
                   "gitRepository": ""
/rest/users/{alias} [GET]Get user by the alias

the {alias} must be replaced by the alias of the aimed user. 

eg : 




   "timestamp": 1637577423572,
   "status": "200",
   "data": {
       "userid": 1,
       "person": {
           "trkid": 1,
           "firstname": "admin",
           "lastname": "admin",
           "mailaddress": "",
           "phone": "0000000000",
           "role": null,
           "service": null
       "group": {
           "id": 1,
           "alias": "Root",
           "parent": 1,
           "permission": "562949953421311"
       "alias": "admin",
       "envId": 1,
       "password": "9f3824ae911a68ecdb3197534d26bcbf",
       "passworddelay": 9999,
       "language": "Fr",
       "lastconnected": 1637139174000,
       "lastpassword": 1542106801000,
       "active": true,
       "revokedelay": 99999,
       "defaultpage": 1,
       "firstaccess": false,
       "logged": "1637142774420",
       "timezone": "GMT+0",
       "envs": [
               "envid": 1,
               "parent": 1,
               "alias": "iXPath",
               "code": "",
               "sendurl": false,
               "active": true,
               "timezone": "Europe/Paris",
               "gitRepository": ""
       "envsbloque": []
/rest/users [POST]Add new user to database.{
   "alias": "user1",
   "password": "abcdef",
   "active": "1",
   "language": "Fr",
   "passworddelay": "6738",
   "defaultpage": "1",
   "firstaccess": "2",
   "group": 2,
   "person": {
       "firstname": "outhman",
       "lastname": "man",
       "mailaddress": "",
       "phone": "09374788998"
   "envs": [
   "envsbloque": [


NB: All fields are required to save the new user


if the user has been added successfully : 

   "timestamp": 1637577821566,
   "status": "200",
   "data": true

if not, the value returned will be a message of the triggered error.

/rest/users/{id} [POST]Update a certain user by giving the id
  • the {id} must be replaced by the concerned userId, eg:  /rest/users/1
  • a JSON form must be submitted to modify the existing user, eg: if we want to modify the "phone" the user that we added in the last example :    
   "alias": "user1",
   "password": "abcdef",
   "active": "1",
   "language": "Fr",
   "passworddelay": "6738",
   "defaultpage": "1",
   "firstaccess": "2",
   "group": 2,
   "person": {
       "firstname": "outhman",
       "lastname": "man",
       "mailaddress": "",
       "phone": "00212747889928"
   "envs": [
   "envsbloque": [


if the user has been updated successfully : 

   "timestamp": 1637577821566,
   "status": "200",
   "data": true

if not, the value returned will be a message of the triggered error.

/rest/users/{id} [DELETE]Delete a certain user by IDthe {is} must be replaced by the user's ID.

if the user has been deleted successfully : 

   "timestamp": 1637577821566,
   "status": "200",
   "data": true

if not, the value returned will be a message of the triggered error.


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