
The syncWith property is used to establish synchronization between two different trackings that have distinct trackingTypes.


let's suppose that we have 2 'trackingTypes' : 'TrkA'', 'TrkB'. 

if we chose to synchronize the TrkB with TrkA, we need to update it on the 'Tracking Editor' page :

TrkA : 


TrkB : 



The use of `syncWith` covers both the creation and updating of a tracking by setting the same `TrkID` for synchronized trackings. It ensures that only the shared `dataTypes` between the trackings are synchronized.

By taking the last example, let's create a 'TrkB' tracking using setTracking : 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="2.0"
xmlns:ixf="" xmlns:xs=""
<xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" ></xsl:output>
<!-- Beginning of the Translation -->
<xsl:template match="/">
 <xsl:variable name="varrr">

   <xsl:value-of select="ixf:SetTracking($varrr)" ></xsl:value-of>
   <!-- <xsl:value-of select="ixf:RemoveTracking('TrkA',
    '6717c0d3f2e8d678a560e6ff','true')" ></xsl:value-of> -->



the result for TrkA and TrkB, with GetTracking : 
   <xsl:copy-of select="ixf:GetTracking('TrkB[id=6718bab123b8281ad212c4cf]')" ></xsl:copy-of>
   <xsl:copy-of select="ixf:GetTracking('TrkA[id=6718bab123b8281ad212c4cf]')" ></xsl:copy-of>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<iXDOC xmlns:ix="localFunction"
        <TrkB CreationDate="2024-10-23 08:58:25"
              ModificationDate="2024-10-23 08:58:25"
              <modificationDate>2024-10-23 08:58:25</modificationDate>
        <TrkA CreationDate="2024-10-23 08:58:25"
              ModificationDate="2024-10-23 08:58:25"
              <modificationDate>2024-10-23 08:58:25</modificationDate>

As you can see, a tracking 'TrkA' has been created automatically with the same TrkID, and a metadata '_syncWith' that maps the related syncWith tracking 'TrkB'.

Handled Cases

  • The update of a tracking that has 'syncWith' metadata will update automatically the tracking associated and vice versa.
  • The delete of tracking synchronized can delete all its trackings related, to enable this option in RemoveTracking function you add a third boolean param as true.
    eg : <xsl:value-of select="ixf:RemoveTracking('TrkA','6717c0d3f2e8d678a560e6ff;6718bab123b8281ad212c4cf','true')" />
  • By taking our use case, if a new TrkA is created, this will not create another TrkB , since only TrkB can be synchronized through trackingType. 


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