
Tracking links are a powerful tool used to link and track two sets of data through the utilization of unique identifiers, commonly referred to as IDs.

At its core, a tracking link serves as a bridge between two pieces of information: the tracking source of the link and the tracking destination or target. 


There are two types of tracking links :

  • LINKUPDATED: this kind of link allows the setting to link to the current version of tracking and points to any changes made to the tracking destination.
  • LINKVERSIONNED : keeps a version of tracking as a link, meaning that if the tracking destination is updated, it will keep referring to this version.


To link two trackings, you'll need to use one of the following solutions: 

  1. SetTracking function:  An XSLT function allows adding new trackings via XML node as a parameter.
  2. SetTrkLink Function: An XSLT function allowing the link between two existing trackings. 
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