The "BackupBDD" connector can be used to dump a database for backup, the dump typically contains SQL statements to create the table, populate it, or both.
The use of this connector is essential in order to recover from most disasters. However, a backup will also help protect you against database upgrades that go bad, table corruption, and other system problems.
It's simple to maintain a good and working backup using "BackupBDD".
First, we should give a name to the output dump in 'OutputFileName' field.
Then, indicate if we want to zip the dump script or not by checking the "ZipFile" check button.
Note Bene:
It is recommended to check the param "ZIP file" for backups.
The backups generated are automatically transferred to the BACKUPS directory with a clean of the old backups on the same directory.
iXPath leaves the last 3 backups made.