Last modified by Assala Chmiti on 2022/06/13 13:18
BddToXml is to get Data from a database Table.
The following elements are Mandatory for this connector:
Connexion: the URL to your database, example, URL of SQL server : jdbc:sqlserver://[serverName[\instanceName][:portNumber]][;property=value[;property=value]]
Output FileName: the name of the output file that contain the result of the SQL Query.
The Format: the xml file that contains the query. This example below allows to extract Data from MESSAGE Table where the column Sender equals to IXPATH, and put it in a Message element:
In this case the MESSAGE Table contains the following elemnets in the Database.
MESSAGE Table | TrkID | Sender | Receiver | InterchangeNumber |
1st row | 125896 | Weexa | ixpath | 586 |
2nd row | 123658 | IXPATH | Weexa | 685 |
The content of the output file that respects the SQL query is: