FTP/SFTP Listeners

Last modified by Assala Chmiti on 2022/06/13 13:18


The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard communication protocol used for the transfer of computer files from a server to a client on a computer network.


 2021-03-24 09_48_05-iXPath _ Scenario.png


1-  Configuration of COM

Go to Configuration com and choose FTP:

SFTP local


FTP Distant

2021-03-24 10_21_05-iXPath _ Configuration FTP.png

2-  Configuration of FTP Listener

After Add your FTP client go to you Ftp Listener configuration and put the correct data:

For Example:

2021-03-24 10_27_21-iXPath _ Scenario.png

FTP Username is the name of FTP user that we created previously.

Folder is the a folder name that you can add in your server.

the next step is to send file to the server using Filezilla

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