We will now work with 2 exchange accounts on the ixpath.cloud side:

  • monitoring, used by the ixpath application, gitlab, etc to send emails, alerts, supervision, etc
  • dataflow, used for EDI. This box will have aliases according to customer needs in terms of data reception that will allow ixpath to poller and process

Aliases edt.factu@ixpath.cloud and centraldanone.commande@ixpath.cloud have been switched from monitoring@ixpath.cloud to dataflow@ixpath.cloud

Authentication settings are as follows:

SettingsServer NamePortEncryption type



User: monitoring@ixpath.cloud or dataflow@ixpath.cloud

Passwords will be sent to you through separate channels where necessary.

Note : These mailboxes are not monitored. It is mandatory that emails sent for business data flows are deleted after the event.


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